How do I figure out my Area Median Income?

Download the AMI worksheet here. To determine your household’s Area Median Income:

  1. Identify who will make up your household. Who do you plan to have live with you in your home?

  2. Add all household wage-earners gross income. That is income before any taxes or other deductions.

  3. Total how many individuals (both adults and children) will reside in the household.

  4. Once you have those two numbers, locate your household size on the chart above and then locate the closest income limit category to your own household income.

Example: A three generation household - grandmother, son, daughter and granddaughter - want to own a home together. Their household size totals 4 (3 adults + 1 child). The son receives $10,000 of disability, the daughter earns $28,000, while the grandmother earns $32,500 for a total gross annual household income of $70,500. Looking at the AMI chart above, the family falls in the low-income limit category, just below the 80% area median income benchmark.